Important Information
Parent's Consultations Day - Taking place on Thursday 13th March. The school will be closed to all children, and you and they, will only attend for your appointment. Booking will be going live on Arbor on Monday 10th February at 4pm. Please follow this link for a guide on how to book this. These meetings will be held face-to-face with your child's teacher.
Welfare - Please could we have donations of larger tracksuit bottoms, trousers socks for Sketty Road and smaller size underwear/socks, tracksuit bottom for Kimberley Gardens.
Ramadan Fasting form - as per Mr Spong's letter, if you wish your child to fast during Ramadan we require the consent form to be completed and returned. Please click the following link for copy of the form - Ramadan Fasting Request Form.
Important Dates for Diary
Tuesday 4th March - Nevis & Fuji Gudwara trip - Morning only
Thursday 6th March - Snowdon & Everest Gudwara trip - Morning only
Thursday 6th March - Fuji assembly - 2.45pm
Tuesday 18th March - Elm George Spicer Sings - 2.30pm
Thursday 20th March - Ash George Spicer Sings - 2.30pm
Friday 21st March - Oak George Spicer Sings - 2.30pm
Y6 SATs Parent Information Evening – Wednesday 19th March 6-6.45pm at Sketty Road