George Spicer Newsletter - 15th March 2024
Attendance – you are now able to view your child’s attendance by logging into the Arbor App. Please note that if your child’s attendance is below 90%, we will not authorise any absence without medical evidence (e.g., doctor’s certificate or letter, hospital appointment card, prescription or the prescribed medication, or text message appointment).
Reporting Absences - You must call in every day if your child is absent. Please, when reporting absences, leave a message with your child's name, class and the reason for absence.
Sickness - If your child is unwell due to vomiting/diarrhoea, please ensure you do not send them to school for at least 24 hours since their last spell of sickness.
Lateness - The number of children arriving late in the mornings is high. Unfortunately, it is the same children repeatedly. Gates close at 9am and learning starts promptly at this time. If your child is 5 minutes late every day, this equates to nearly 3 whole days of missed learning, plus it’s disruptive for other children. Please try to drop your child/children at least 5/10 minutes early to avoid this continuous lateness.
Playleaders - We are currently looking for lunchtime playleaders. For more information, please visit our website. George Spicer website
Important Dates for Diary
Friday 22nd March - Year 6 Leavers Doughnut sale - See below to pre-purchase doughnuts.
Year 6 PGL School Journey Information – Parent Meeting: Thursday 25th April 2024 5.30-6.15pm
Year 1 Sings - Kimberly Gardens - 2.30pm - 3.15pm
Tuesday 19th March - Oak Class
Wednesday 20th March - Elm Class
Thursday 21st March - Ash Class
Friday 22nd March - Willow Class
Sioux Class Assembly - Thursday 28th March @ 2.45pm
Parent Consultations
It was so good to see so many parents booking and attending the consultation meetings yesterday. Hopefully you found the discussion with the teachers purposeful and you enjoyed seeing all the amazing work your children produce on a daily basis. As we are always trying to improve as a school we would really appreciate your feedback on the day, by competing this form. Thank you for your support.
Quote of the week
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power. - Clint Eastwood
Attendance week ending 15/03/2024
Overall school = 94.02% Lates = 130
Best attendance: 1st Elm 97.89% 2nd Anubis 97.08% 3rd Apache 96.99%
Punctuality: Well done to Osiris with 100% for punctuality.
Reception: Making Fire engines with 3D shapes
Last week we made a 2D picture of a fire engine and this week we labelled them using our fantastic phonics knowledge. Some of us wrote sentences about the fire engine and were able to name the shapes used. We extended our learning about shapes to include properties of 3D shapes. We learnt about edges, faces and corners and began to name some of the common 3D shapes like cylinders, cones, pyramids, cuboids and cubes. Whilst making a fire engine from junk modelling, the children had a go at naming the 3D shapes they used, and they even had a go at pointing out the edges, corners and faces. Well done to all the children for their brilliant effort in their learning this week.
Year 1
Year 1 have been busy practising for their George Spicer Sings concerts next week. They have been working hard to remember the songs, actions and instrument playing. Some children have been practising their lines too. We have been preparing artwork to use as props and having lots of discussions about what the children love about music.
Year 2
In Science this week, Year Two have been learning about the importance of eating the right amounts of different types of food.
Year 3
Year 3 have started reading a new text titled ‘Planet Omar’ written by Zanib Mian and they are enjoying getting to know the many interesting characters in the story, including Omar himself, who thinks his teacher might be an Alien!
In spelling, they have been focusing on words with the ‘wh’ and ‘ph’ sound and these words have also been incorporated into their handwriting practice. In ICT, Year 3 have also been learning about the journey inside of a computer which they have been intrigued with.
Year 4
Year 4 had an exciting day today! They had the opportunity to work with an artist called James Tunnard. He told us about his career and the people he has worked with over the years. Did you know that James Tunnard worked with the sculptor Ron Mueck and artist Damien Hirst? James told us that a new little park is being made near our school which has a hidden river that runs underneath the park. There will be a pathway above the river that will include drawings of fish that our Year 4 children designed today. How exciting is that?
Some of their designed fish examples are below. We had so much fun today and want to thank James Tunnard for his time.
Year 5
This week, Year 5 have been continuing writing related to the Book - Journey to Jo’burg. We have been writing information reports about Apartheid and the different ways it impacted South African Black people. We learnt how society was segregated in all areas – education, homes and employment, and how this caused huge inequalities between black and white people. This inequality worked in favour of white people and to the detriment of black people whose homes, quality of life, education opportunities and jobs were far inferior to their white counterparts.
In Science, we are moving on to the life cycle of animals. We looked at the life cycle of amphibians and how they develop through the different life stages from eggs to an adult. We learnt how amphibians need to live in water during their juvenile stage as they breathe through gills and swim like a fish. Gradually, they develop into an adult and grow legs and lungs to be able to live and breathe on land. We learnt about the meaning of metamorphosis and how this means an animal changes completely between its juvenile and adult stage.
Year 6
Circulation system
Year 6 have started their new topic in Science: The Circulation System. To begin our new topic, we learnt about blood. We look at four major components of human blood:
- red blood cells,
- white blood cells
- plasma
- platelets
Once we had learnt about the function/job of each part, we wrote a haiku based on them.
![](/_site/data/files/images/auto_upload/FFE7378AE12C0CCF3EB06761041BB6A0.png) ![](/_site/data/files/images/auto_upload/EA1A720945715432CE563A40EB2B6BF3.png)
We also, using chalk pastels, created our own artistic interpretation of the different parts of blood:
Boys' Football League Result
The boys sealed their triumph in the league with two more convincing wins during this week's final set of league games. A 3-1 win over St Georges and a 6-0 victory over Chase Side cemented the team's place at the top of the league.
Throughout their league campaign this season, the boys conducted themselves with maturity, enthusiasm and determination, resulting in an unbeaten run of 12 games! Teamwork really did make the dream...come true!
We are all incredibly proud of everyone who has represented the team and contributed to this justified and deserved success - Fred, Nathaniel, Rio, Siva, Kelechi, Aaron, Sulaiman, Suleiman, Christopher, Yucel, Jaden, Raihan.
Elms Multisports Easter Club
Elms Multisports after school activities
FoGS News
For more information about FoGS (Friends of George Spicer), details of our upcoming events, information on how to join our meetings or to read our newsletter, please visit our website