FoGs News
To celebrate and encourage a lifelong love of reading at home and school, we are running a sponsored read over the Easter Holidays.
The project is being organised in conjunction with our local Usborne Partner, Anne Croxford and all the money raised will go towards brand new books for our school.
In addition to the sponsorship money, Usborne will also donate up to 60% of the total raised in EXTRA FREE BOOKS to the school.
Please help us to enhance our reading resources for pupils by encouraging your class to spend a small amount of time each day either reading, remember, the class in KS1, and KS2 with the highest number of reading hours (not sponsorship money raised) will WIN a selection of age appropriate books for the classroom, in addition to any new books purchased from Usborne.
If you are able to support our sponsored read please use the sponsorship form and reading log for your child.
Please transfer money raised directly to:
The Friends of George Spicer
Account Number: 21521969
Sort Code: 40-20-23
You can also send a cheque/cash to school made Payable to Friends of George Spicer no later than 22nd April.
Many thanks!
Please click the link for the Ready, Steady, Read form: Ready Steady Read
FoGS Amazing Reception and Year 1 and 2 Discos - Saturday 30th April, Kimberley Gardens
Reception - 10am-11.30am
Year 1 and 2 - 12pm-1.30pm
Price includes entry to the disco, a glow bracelet as well as refreshments:
Chocolate biscuit
Unlimited drinks
Please let us know of ANY ALLERGIES when booking the ticket.
There will be an additional glow stick sale before each disco, reusable glow bracelets £2.50. We will be accepting cash only on the day please.
Please note: Tickets can be purchased on the door in cash for £7 if there are any left, numbers are limited.
8pm Tuesday 26th April - FoGS AGM, Sketty Road and Zoom
Email to follow with more information