Year 6
In Science, we have been learning about Evolution and Inheritance. In our lesson last week, we studied the evolution of the Indohyus. We began the lesson by choosing an animal (either a tiger, gazelle, otter, blue whale, kangaroo, shark or hippo), that we thought the Indohyus would evolve into. We then explained our reasoning for choosing one of those animals.
“I tried to use the process of elimination for this and so I don’t think it is the Shark or the Blue Whale at all as they live in water” – Raeed, Hurricanes
We found out that it evolved into the Blue Whale! We looked at the different stages in its evolution across the years and discussed how this animal adapted to its environment to help it survive. We then created posters detailing the evolution of this animal using pictures and explaining the differences in the animal as it evolved through each stage.
Art - Scott vs. Shackleton Portraits
This week we have been continuing with our Art focus of photorealism. The children have been working on their final piece of their photorealistic portrait of either Scott or Shackleton.
They have thought carefully about the proportions of the face and the angles and positioning of the heads. They have been thinking about the size of some of the features (like the eyes and nose) to make sure the features are in proportion with their drawing. We will be continuing this work, adding more detail using different graded pencils.
PSHE - Dreams and Goals
In our PSHE lesson this week, we looked at the different problems that happen around the world. We discussed some images that showed people living in poverty, people with disabilities, refugee children and discussed how this made us feel.
We then looked at several UNCRC and Global Goals, trying to understand the importance of them and how they help us as global citizens think and act about the different issues that we face globally (UNCRC Article 42 - Everyone must know children's rights).
Olivia - "Lots of people around the world suffer from earthquakes and floods, and so we need to learn about these to become aware of them."
Dante - "The world would be so horrible and mean without the UNCRC and Global Goals. Without it the world might be destroyed."
Zeeshan - "Without the UNCRC or Global Goals children living in poverty won't have a chance to show what they can do."
We also looked at activism and some examples of famous activists in the media (Malala and Greta Thunberg). This helped us understand some of the global issues that we face, including climate change and gender inequality. We each then thought about an issue that concerns us all, that we would like to change and raise awareness for (our goal for the world).
Below are some examples of our activism posters: