George Spicer newsletter - 21st March 2023
Welcome to the Summer Term everyone, it is hard to believe we are in the final term of the academic year already – although they do say time flies when you are having fun!
Our value for this half term is Respect – something that we can all show and model to one another. This coincides with our theme this week – Save The World – and our assemblies have focussed on showing respect to the earth and environment. Tomorrow is Earth Day and you can use this link to let your children take some of the quizzes to see how much they know about helping the planet. Hopefully your children will be inspired to make a positive change by reducing their use of plastics, picking up litter or by switching off the lights.
Please help them to understand what our value of respect is and why it is important by modelling respectful behaviours towards your fellow parents, staff and the local environment. There are lots of events for parents this term so I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can in the coming weeks and months.
Absences - must be reported in writing by email or by phone by 9am daily. Please leave a brief message with your child's name, class and the reason for their absence. It will be recorded as unauthorised if you do not leave a reason or say your child is 'unwell'.
Attendance - As a school we do not authorise absence for family holidays during the school term. Parents / Carers who choose to take their child out of school for holidays should be aware that their child’s absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ and a penalty notice will be issued. A Penalty Notice costs £60 per parent and per child, if payment is made within 21 days. £120 if paid after the 21 days but within 28 days.
Appointments - You must provide an appointment card / letter for your child’s absence to be classed as medical, otherwise it will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Please note we expect your child to attend school either side of their appointment where possible.
Year 6 Journey Meeting - During this meeting, we will go through all of the final details ahead of our upcoming trip and answer any questions that you may have.
If your child needs to take medication, including travel sickness medication (for the journey home), please bring it to the meeting, with clear instructions in a clearly marked bag. Miss Mulenga and Mrs Truong will be there to greet you, take the medication and discuss any medication questions.
Welfare Donations - Please can we have any donations of wipes, tissues, plasters, boys and girls jogging bottoms and boys and girls underwear, for both of our sites. Many Thanks.