George Spicer newsletter - 3rd February 2023
Punctuality - The school gates open at 8.45am for a soft start to support a calm arrival to school. All our pupils are expected to be in class for registration by 09:00 am. The school gates are then locked at this point. Pupils need to be in school by 09:00 am for registration. If your child arrives after 09:00 am, they will receive a late mark (L). If your child arrives after 09:10 am, they will receive a 'U' code (missed session) on their registration certificate which will impact on their overall attendance percentage.
Absences - must be reported in writing by email or by phone by 9am daily. Please leave a brief message with your child's name, class and the reason for their absence. It will be recorded as unauthorised if you do not leave a reason or say your child is 'unwell'.
Attendance - As a school we do not authorise absence for family holidays during the school term. Parents / Carers who choose to take their child out of school for holidays should be aware that their child’s absence will be recorded as ‘unauthorised’ and a penalty notice will be issued. A Penalty Notice costs £60 per parent and per child, if payment is made within 21 days. £120 if paid after the 21 days but within 28 days.
Appointments - You must provide an appointment card / letter for your child’s absence to be classed as medical, otherwise it will be marked as an unauthorised absence. Please note we expect your child to attend school either side of their appointment where possible.
Residential Trips payment reminder - Please note the dates below for payment of the final instalments for the residential trips.
- Year 4 - Cuffley Camp June 2023 final payment due 3rd February 2023 £80.00
- Year 6 - Borreattan Park May 2023 final payment due 10th February 2023 £95.00
Reception School Admissions - If you have a sibling due to start Reception in September and have not yet applied for a school place, there is still time. Please visit . If you need any help or advice with the application, please contact the office.
Help support our school Foodbank. - In February, George Spicer will be opening a foodbank to support struggling families. As a community we are asking for donations to top up our pantry. From Monday 30th January please drop your donations off at either the Sketty Road or Kimberley Gardens’ office.
We are also appealing to anyone who works for or has a contact in supermarkets or restaurants, who may have any food to donate. If so, we would like to hear from you. Please contact the school office on 020 8363 1406 and ask for Mrs Atkinson.
Donations for welfare - We would be grateful for donations of wipes, tissues and carrier bags for our welfare rooms please. Also, girls pants for KS2.
Be Prepared - Please can you ensure that your child/ren has all their belongings with them at the start of the day, for example lunch/water bottles, PE shoes/bags, dropping these in after 9am causes disruption to the class.